insurance claim

Watch Out for These Signs of Issues With Your Insurance Claim

Watch Out for These Signs of Issues With Your Insurance Claim

A damaged home or property is stressful enough on its own, but filing the insurance claim introduces a whole new set of worries. The last thing anyone wants after property damage is for another thing to go wrong. These issues with your claim could result in your payment being delayed, or even worse, your claim may be denied.

Insurance Claims 101

Insurance Claims 101

If you experience damage to your property, you’ll have to submit a claim to your insurance company. This process can be long and complicated, especially if you go it alone. If you are filing a claim, it’s important to know what to expect as a policyholder!

The public adjusters here at Liberty Adjusters are here to place your claim or walk you through each step of the claim process so you’re prepared. What to do, what not to say, and when to lean on the support of the experts when/if the insurance is giving you the runaround. Or, we can handle the claim from start to finish for you!

Welcome to Insurance Claims 101!

Independent Adjuster Vs. Public Adjuster: What is the Difference?

Independent Adjuster Vs. Public Adjuster: What is the Difference?

Filing an insurance claim can be a tough process, with so many different aspects to analyze, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Making a mistake can cost you time and money, and sadly in some cases, end up in a denied or undervalued claim.

When property damage occurs, you may expect to work with your insurance and their independent claim adjuster partners, believing that your monthly premium payments will be enough to have them on your side, but that is not always the case. As a property owner, you have options!

Today, the experts at Liberty Insurance Adjusters will go over some things you should know first and explain the difference between an independent adjuster and a public claims adjuster. If you’ve experienced damage at your home or business, don’t go it alone. If you need help, contact a professional about your claim to get the maximum settlement to make things right

Tenant Damage: Is it Covered by Homeowner's Insurance?

Tenant Damage: Is it Covered by Homeowner's Insurance?

You’re renting your property, and that can be stressful! Aside from all the other duties you are juggling, there’s always the threat of property damage taking your time and money. From typical wear to an angry evictee, damage from a tenant can come in all shapes and sizes.

Our public adjusters go over what damage is and isn’t covered, and give you some tips on how to avoid the damage from occurring in the first place!

Common Holiday Homeowner's Insurance Claims

Common Holiday Homeowner's Insurance Claims

We know the trope all too well, it’s the start of every great holiday movie — something always goes wrong! House fires, burglaries, and other catastrophes are at their peak during the holiday season, and it is important to take steps to mitigate them before they occur.

Here are some of the most common holiday homeowner’s insurance claims we see all too often this season, along with ways you can prevent them from ruining the holidays!

Lightning Damage and Homeowners Insurance Claims

Lightning Damage and Homeowners Insurance Claims

Lightning strikes often here in Florida; Tampa is the lightning capital of the world after all! But what happens when lightning strikes your home and does damage? Will your homeowner’s insurance cover it?

Our public adjusters discuss when your homeowner’s insurance will (and won’t) cover lightning damage, and what you can do to keep your home protected.

I Let My Homeowner's Insurance Lapse. What Happens Next?

I Let My Homeowner's Insurance Lapse. What Happens Next?

A homeowner’s insurance lapse can happen even to the best policyholders. An oversight or failed automatic payments can cause a lapse in your coverage due to nonpayment. Though your coverage should be reinstated once you pay your past-due insurance bill, it isn’t always that simple.

If your homeowner’s insurance policy lapses even for just a day or two, any damages that may occur to your home during that time, due to a fire, storm, or burglary/vandalism could leave you without coverage to pay for the damage.

So, you let your homeowner’s insurance lapse. What happens next? Our public adjusters explain.