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Independent Adjuster Vs. Public Adjuster: What is the Difference?

Independent Adjuster Vs. Public Adjuster: What is the Difference?

Filing an insurance claim can be a tough process, with so many different aspects to analyze, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Making a mistake can cost you time and money, and sadly in some cases, end up in a denied or undervalued claim.

When property damage occurs, you may expect to work with your insurance and their independent claim adjuster partners, believing that your monthly premium payments will be enough to have them on your side, but that is not always the case. As a property owner, you have options!

Today, the experts at Liberty Insurance Adjusters will go over some things you should know first and explain the difference between an independent adjuster and a public claims adjuster. If you’ve experienced damage at your home or business, don’t go it alone. If you need help, contact a professional about your claim to get the maximum settlement to make things right