Property Management Partners: Working Together on Claims

As a property manager, you wear many hats in your daily routine. But what happens if a disaster wrecks a property you manage?  

If a storm or other catastrophe strikes the apartment, condo, or rental home you oversee, it is crucial to contact a public adjuster as soon as possible. Public adjusters thoroughly inspect your rental properties to ensure that you get the settlement necessary to complete repairs.  

At Liberty Insurance Adjusters, our team can help you manage property damage claims on all your rental properties. Here's how:  

We Can Provide Third-Party Inspections 

When you report the damage to your insurance company, an adjuster will inspect the property and provide a value estimation. Keep in mind that this adjuster represents the insurance company; they are not on your side. Their assessment of the property can often be much less than the actual damage, which will lead the insurance company to undervalue your claim.  

Also, the insurance company’s adjuster typically completes an abbreviated four-point inspection and only looks at the damage you reported. If a review of all the damage isn’t thorough, it can negatively impact your settlement and the losses covered by your insurance.  

When you work with a licensed, independent adjuster from Liberty Adjusters, we work for you, not the insurance company. You can be confident you're getting a thorough inspection — from the topmost roof shingles to the property’s foundation — ensuring the report includes all damages for the claims. We then will help determine the value of the damages and file a claim on your behalf.  

We Can File Claim Paperwork on Your Behalf 

Your role as a property manager means your time is valuable to us. The insurance claims process can be overwhelming, especially if you are dealing with frustrated tenants. As you work to mitigate further property damage while handling renters, filing a claim can be another big headache. That’s where a public adjuster comes in; we file property-damage claims on behalf of clients and policyholders.  

Our team at Liberty Adjusters will ensure that your claim is submitted correctly to avoid delays and will negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf so you can get the best settlement possible to fix the damage to your rental property.  

In the Tampa Bay and Orlando areas, don’t suffer through the tedious claims process alone; have a partner you can trust. Lean on Liberty Adjusters to help you place a damage claim for the property you manage. Contact us today!  

We Can Give You Peace of Mind 

Sometimes a tenant will fail to report damage to a property manager. It may be accidental or intentional. Perhaps the tenant didn’t notice a water stain on the ceiling of the spare bedroom. Or maybe they are just neglectful. In either case, unreported water leaks and damage can become a much more extensive repair if neglected.  

A public adjuster can perform a thorough inspection on each property you manage. You will then have a detailed report of damage or an established baseline showing that the property was damage-free at the time of the inspection. 

A thorough inspection can offer you peace of mind as an owner or property manager and ensures that your assets are safe and free from damages. Suppose the property is damaged during a tenant’s lease period. In that case, you have evidence that your property was previously in good condition — which can be helpful when filing a property damage claim. 

You Manage Your Properties; We'll Handle the Rest  

We know that property management is a challenging job, so lean on our experts if there is a hurricane, fire, water leak, or other disastrous damage. We will walk you through the claims process to get the settlement you deserve.  

Place a claim or call Liberty Insurance Adjusters, (813) 922-5129, for a consultation today.