Can My Mold Claim be Denied?

Mold claims are complex, especially because homeowner’s insurance policies are often vague when it comes to mold coverage. Mold claims are often denied because of how an insurance policy details what it covers—often costing homeowners thousands of dollars.  


Often, the fate of a mold claim hinges on one important thing—whether the mold is a result of covered damage.  


Here is what you need to know about mold claims and how to avoid claim denial.  

When Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Mold?  


In most homeowner’s insurance policies, mold damage, and removal are only covered when it is the result of a covered peril. As a result, if a pipe bursts in your house and the water damage or moisture encourages the growth of mold, you may be able to file a claim for mold removal and repair for whatever the mold irreparably destroyed.



If unexpected, accidental water damage is covered by your homeowner's insurance, then mold damage is probably also covered.



Examples of common covered perils include: 


  • A leaking water heater that results in a flood and causes mold to grow in the walls.  

  • Your washing machine malfunctions and causes hard-to-remove mold in your flooring.  

  • Your house catches fire and the fire department puts out the flames with water, causing extensive water damage and subsequent mold.  


Home insurance policies differ in many ways. You should review your policy with a public adjuster or an attorney if you think your mold claim was denied even though it occurred because of a covered peril.  


MORE > Home Insurance and Mold...Is it Covered?  


Not sure if mold is covered under your insurance policy? Call our public adjusters at Liberty Adjusters! Don’t hurt your claim results by going on your own. We can help you properly place your mold claim so you can get the settlement that you need to remediate and restore your home. Submit a claim today! 

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Why Wasn’t My Mold Claim Covered by My Homeowner’s Insurance?  


Mold damages are not always covered by insurance. If mold resulted from neglect or lack of maintenance, your claim will likely be denied. 


For instance, if your plumbing leaks and you put off fixing it for too long, your insurance provider can reject your mold insurance claims because you were slow to address the problem.


Further, your homeowner’s insurance will likely not cover mold damage if your house experiences a flood. Flooding is excluded from homeowner’s insurance policies and requires a separate type of insurance coverage. Any mold damage that results from a flood will most likely not be covered by your homeowner’s insurance policy.  


Examples of denied mold claims include: 


  • Your bathtub has been leaking for years and has resulted in a mold infestation.  

  • You live in a humid climate and did not use a dehumidifier and mold grew as a result.  

  • A storm has caused flooding and mold growth in your home. 


MORE > How to Place a Water Damage Claim  


Filing a Mold Claim  


When filing a mold claim, keep meticulous records of all damaged areas and repairs in case of any future claims. In some cases, you might not discover mold until some time has passed since water damage occurred. In this case, you will need to prove that the mold damage was caused by a covered peril and not lack of maintenance.  


To file a claim, follow the following steps (or simply call our experts): 


  1. Contact your insurance company as soon as possible. They will send an adjuster to assess the damage and evaluate whether it is covered by your policy.  

  2. Run a dehumidifier or fan to help dry out the room and prevent further mold growth. Don’t try to clean or remove anything as the adjuster will need to assess all damaged property.  

  3. Photograph all damages and gather any relevant photos and documentation to supplement your claim.  

  4. Review your policy to determine your policy’s mold coverage limits.  


Mold claims can be tricky, but if mold was caused by a covered peril, you should not run into any issues when filing a claim. Of course, you may run into low settlements making it harder to get repairs done properly.  

Mold Claims are Complex. Talk to Liberty Adjusters First.  


You have enough things to worry about when dealing with mold damage. Having to go through the claims process on your own only to have an undervalued or worse denied claim shouldn’t be one of them. If you are planning to file a mold damage claim, or if your insurance claim has been denied, lean on our public adjusters.  


We right the wrongs of insurance companies and will help you get the claim that you deserve. Clients of public adjusters can get up to 574% more for their property and you don’t pay us unless we get you a better return on your claim. Submit your claim or call Liberty Adjusters today—813-922-5129