Laundry Room Flood - First Steps to Maximize Your Claim

A laundry room flood can cause significant damage to your home, creating not just an immediate water issue but also potential long-term problems like mold and structural damage. Quick and effective action is needed to manage the situation and ensure a smooth claim process.  

After the situation is under control, your next step should be to call a public insurance adjuster. They can help document the damage and guide you through the insurance claim process to make sure you're fully compensated for the loss. 

Stopping the Water Source 

The first step in any home flood situation is to stop the water at its source.  

In the case of a laundry room flood, this often means turning off the water supply to the washing machine or any broken pipes. If you're not sure how to do this, find the main water shut-off valve for your house and turn it off to prevent any more water from flowing into the area. 


Once the water source is stopped, unplug any electrical appliances in the area to reduce the risk of electrical shock. Safety should always be your first priority, so if the flooding is extensive or if you suspect any risk to your safety, it's best to evacuate the area and call a professional. 


Documenting the Damage 

After ensuring the area is safe, start documenting the damage. Take photos and videos from different angles, showing the extent of the water and any damage to your property. 

Keep a record of all damaged items, including their make, model, and estimated value if possible. This list will be important when you file your claim, as it helps to establish the extent of your losses. 


Contacting a Public Adjuster 

Once you have documented the property damage, contact a public adjuster to get the next steps. Many people assume the best move is to call their insurance company and report the flood, but insurance companies will use anything and everything they can against you to pay out less for the claim! 

Your public adjuster can help explain the details of your policy, such as your coverage limits and deductible, and put together a plan to get the most out of your claim. Rest assured, our expert team at Liberty Insurance Adjusters handles all communication with your insurance company's adjusters. Together, we will ensure every next step is the best possible move for your unique claim.  


Learn More > Differences between Types of Claims Adjusters 


Mitigating Further Damage 

While you're waiting for the insurance adjusters, start mitigating further damage! We call it duty after loss. This means removing water from the area, drying out the space, and moving any undamaged items to a safe location. The goal is to prevent mold growth and additional water damage to your property. 

Renting fans and dehumidifiers can speed up the drying process. However, for extensive damage, consider hiring a professional water remediation company. Our public adjusters can recommend trusted companies that we have worked with in the past. 


Choosing a Reliable Repair Service 

It's important to choose a service that is experienced and has good reviews or testimonials from past clients. You may also want to get multiple estimates for the repair work and discuss these options with your public adjuster.  

A professional can help ensure the estimates are fair and can assist in negotiating with your insurance company to cover the repair costs. 



Navigating the Claims Process with a Public Adjuster 

A public insurance adjuster understands the complexities of insurance policies and the tactics companies may use to minimize payouts. By having a team like us on your side, you can navigate the claims process more effectively and ensure you receive a fair settlement. 

Lean on Liberty Adjusters. Our expertise can make the difference between a straightforward claim process and a long, stressful journey. Don’t wait, submit your insurance claim today!