Hurricane Season 2024: Start Preparing Now

As we get closer to the 2024 hurricane season, residents in Texas and Florida are reminded of the critical importance of being prepared. With hurricanes becoming increasingly frequent and intense, it's vital to understand the risks and take proactive steps to safeguard your home and loved ones.  

A startling statistic from Hurricane Ian revealed that only about 18% of homes in Florida counties under evacuation orders had a federal flood insurance policy, highlighting a significant gap in preparedness and protection against the devastating impact of floods. 

If you're in a hurricane-prone area, now is the time to assess your readiness and ensure your insurance policies are up to date. Don't wait until it's too late to take action. 



Understanding Hurricane Risks 

Hurricanes are not just about the high winds; they bring a multitude of risks including flooding, storm surges, and even tornadoes. The widespread damage from Hurricane Ian underscored the importance of recognizing the full scope of potential dangers.  

Many homeowners found themselves unprepared for the flooding that ensued, a risk often underestimated in hurricane planning. Understanding these risks is the first step in creating a comprehensive hurricane preparedness plan that addresses all potential threats to your property and safety. 


Be Prepared 

Preparation goes beyond just knowing the risks; it involves taking concrete steps to mitigate those risks. This means creating an emergency kit, securing your property, and developing an evacuation plan well in advance. It's also crucial to review your insurance coverage to ensure it reflects the current value of your property and possessions.  


Hurricane Prep Checklist 

Before hurricane season hits its peak, it's vital to have a prep checklist to ensure you're ready for whatever comes your way. This checklist serves as a quick reference to get your preparations underway: 

  • Emergency kit stocked with water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, and first aid supplies 

  • Evacuation plan that everyone in the household understands 

  • Secure loose outdoor items and trim trees to reduce potential damage 

  • Check and reinforce your home's windows and doors, including garage doors 

  • Review and update your insurance policies to ensure adequate coverage 


Is Your Insurance Policy Protecting You? 

In light of Hurricane Ian, the startling revelation that only 18% of homes had flood insurance speaks volumes about the need for comprehensive coverage. Many homeowners are under the mistaken belief that their standard homeowners' insurance policy covers flood damage, which is often not the case.  


It's imperative to review your policy details and consider additional coverage options such as flood insurance to ensure you are fully protected against all types of hurricane-related damage. 


Damage Happens, Why Should You Call a Public Adjuster First 

When disaster strikes, it's essential to know who to call first. Contacting a public adjuster before your insurance company can be beneficial. Public adjusters work on your behalf, ensuring that you receive the maximum compensation for your losses.  

They are experts in navigating the complex claims process and can advocate for you, taking the stress out of dealing with insurance companies and allowing you to focus on recovery. 


Mitigating Damage, Your Duty After Loss 

After a hurricane, it's your responsibility to mitigate further damage to your property. This includes taking temporary measures to prevent additional losses, such as covering broken windows or leaking roofs.  

Documenting the damage thoroughly with photographs and keeping receipts for any repairs or temporary measures is crucial. These steps are not only vital for your claim process but also ensure the safety and security of your property post-disaster.  

Questions on Your Insurance Policy? Call Liberty Adjusters Today 

Hurricanes are a stark reminder of the unpredictability of nature and the importance of being prepared. Understanding your risks, being properly prepared, ensuring your insurance coverage is adequate, and knowing how to mitigate damage are all critical components of hurricane readiness.  

If you have any questions about your insurance policy or need assistance after a loss, Liberty Insurance Adjusters is here to help. Our team of experienced professionals is committed to ensuring you have the support and expertise needed to navigate the aftermath of a hurricane. Call Liberty Adjusters FIRST.