Maximizing Roof Damage Insurance Claims: Two Case Studies on How a Property Adjuster Can Secure You More Money

Dealing with roof damage can be a challenging experience for homeowners, especially when it comes to roof damage insurance claims. Inadequate assessments can result in initial payouts that fall short of addressing the actual damage. Whether it's water intrusion affecting the interior of your home or the need for a complete roof replacement, having a skilled property adjuster can make all the difference in maximizing your roof damage insurance claim. 

Property adjusters like Liberty Adjusters are dedicated to rectifying this issue by conducting comprehensive evaluations of all affected areas.

How a Property Adjuster Can Help With Roof Damage Insurance Claims

Discovering roof damage can be a harrowing experience for homeowners, and often, by the time it's detected, the question of whether it's too late to address the issue may arise. In many instances, roof damage goes unnoticed until it has already led to extensive interior and structural issues. Equally concerning is the fact that many roof damage claims are denied, leaving homeowners in a state of frustration and uncertainty. If you’re experiencing a denied roof damage claim, it may be due to these popular reasons. However, the good news is that with the right approach, homeowners can get their roof damage insurance claims right

Check out some of our success stories below that show how a skilled property adjuster can make all the difference in maximizing your roof damage insurance claim.

Case Study 1

Claim: Roof damage led to water intrusion, causing damage to continuous wood flooring, cedar plank ceilings, and walls throughout their house.

Initial Amount Paid: $1,073.40

Final Amount Paid: $29,660.37

This story began with a seemingly minor roof leak. The family filed a roof damage insurance claim, and the initial payout was just over $1,000. However, Liberty Adjusters were brought in to reassess the situation. What set them apart was their attention to detail when it came to roof damage insurance claims. Our adjuster took the time to thoroughly inspect the property, including the attic, and identified the extent of the damage. By documenting the full scope of the problem, we were able to negotiate a payout that covered not only the roof repair but also the extensive interior damage. The final settlement of $28,586.97 helped the family fully restore their home.

Case Study 2

Claim: Roof damage led to water damage affecting the living room, dining room, and garage through the walls.

Initial Amount Paid: $5,355

Final Amount Paid: $60,355

This client’s  experience was all too common when it comes to roof damage insurance claims. The initial payout offered was $5,355, far from sufficient to address the extensive damage caused by the roof leak. It was evident that the initial assessment from the insurance adjuster lacked a comprehensive understanding of the situation. 

"I filed a claim for roof and water damage. They came back with not even close to what it would take to fix or replace. The insurance company’s adjuster who came out never even went into the attic or looked at what was happening."

When Liberty Adjusters entered the scene to handle his roof damage insurance claim, we recognized the urgency of the matter. Our property adjuster performed a thorough inspection, leaving no stone unturned. This meticulous approach allowed them to negotiate a final settlement of $55,000, ensuring our client had the means to restore his living spaces.

View more of our biggest claims and how we’ve helped.

These examples showcase the significant difference a skilled property adjuster can make in maximizing roof damage insurance claims. A property adjuster's attention to detail, willingness to investigate every aspect of the damage, and their expertise in negotiation can result in significantly higher payouts when it comes to roof damage insurance claims, allowing homeowners to fully restore their homes. 

If you find yourself in a similar situation, remember that a property adjuster like Liberty Adjusters can be your advocate, ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve for your roof damage insurance claim.