Lightning can cause severe damage to or even destroy your property. Don't wait for your denial letter for your lightning insurance claim. Contact Liberty Adjusters for a free claim review. When you hire our public adjusters, you can trust we will work hard so you receive the maximum settlement that you’re entitled too, 100% of the time. Lightening insurance claims can get complicated, and that’s when you need the help of a public claims adjuster.

Lightning loss may not always be in the form of fire damage. It may also have electrical effects. When there’s no visible smoke, fire or water damage, your insurance company adjuster may try to pass on paying you for the replacement of these items by offering to have items cleaned. And in the case that wiring has cause electrical shorts and items no longer work properly anymore that the carrier may also try to pass off.

Lean on Liberty Adjusters

Have your own team to make sure you are fully paid for your lighting loss claim. Our Tampa, FL, and Dallas-Fort Worth, TX adjusters are here to help you restore your business or home as soon as possible. We will manage the entire insurance claims process and work with the carrier on your behalf. You need adjusters on your side. Submit a question or claim to a public insurance adjusting expert!